Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge blicke ich auf die zerstreute und unverbundene Plastikstuhleria. So viele engagierte Menschen, so wenig Zusammenhalt und Vernetzung. Eben stieß ich zufällig auf das Werk Bryan Ropars:
I’m one of the largest US based collectors of this product. My background is in electricity the chairs are just something I’m into on the side- I’m fascinated by them.
Er hat ein großartiges Oeuvre auf YouTube:
This is my collection of resin furniture plastic chairs 37 different models 11 different manufacturers I have chairs from the mid 80’s to today I have actually have gone through 2-300 chairs to get these ones these are the thickest most comfortable versions of every model I could find because some companies change their models to lighter thinner models to make them cheaper due to price of materials and sometimes when companies did this the chairs started to very in comfort even though they look the same.